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Tag: things

Articles tagged as Things

Workplace Fitness: Tongue-In-Cheek

Posted on June 4, 2022 by Deandre Millinor
Our tongues remain happily used in broadcasting insincerity, hypocrisy and a variety of damaging darts to pre-planned or unsuspecting targets.The TongueThe tongue may be the main vessel used to speak.It accomplishes this by spewing out sounds and words.Although a little area of the body, it controls and affects the direction of our lives.Quite often it does plenty of good; but sometimes it gets us into huge trouble, and controlling this is a lifelong process...

Tips for Keeping a Team Motivated

Posted on January 22, 2022 by Deandre Millinor
Companies often have incentives for reps, but sometimes that is not enough.To keep your team motivated, you can do a number of things:Hold your Own Private incentive for your staffThis might be something as straightforward as a gift certificate for the person who sells the most in a month.Set up a message board only for your personal teamA excellent way to keep in touch with everyone.Many wahm boards currently have a section for your organization, so in case you don't have enough opportunity to establish your own you may use a particular board for your group...