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Tag: gathering

Articles tagged as Gathering

Corporate Retreats: Creating a Culture of Connectivity

Posted on April 5, 2024 by Deandre Millinor
There was a period in the not too distant past when people kept their professional and personal lives completely separate.The thought of mixing work and pleasure was considered almost taboo.Not merely was this true for folks also for companies.The overall thinking was that mixing use pleasure was more likely to negatively affect "underneath line".However, in the current corporate environment that sort of thinking will be considered archaic and also counter-intuitive...

Communication and Trust in Highly-Effective Teams

Posted on July 11, 2023 by Deandre Millinor
CEOs among others are often far better if they have highly-effective teams at their disposal.At the main point where associates all know the team goals, interpersonal conflict is reasonable, and roles are defined, many teams can still struggle.Despite having everyone pointed in exactly the same direction, there may be problems:Some people won't share information,Some won't debate the problems,Some perceive a 'kill the messenger' pattern or have a concern with reprisal,Some may exhibit passive aggressive or aggressive behavior,Some will agree in a gathering to do this, but neglect to go on it, andSometimes way too many people or the incorrect people in the area can cause an issue...